The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 million suicide deaths occur every year. This translates into one suicide death, every 40 seconds. The number of attempted suicide annually, is... read more →
Aliu is a 28-year-old Chemical Engineer with an Oil and Gas company and is a high-flying star, having bagged a first-class from ABU Zaria. He is well respected and is a rising star.... read more →
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing…”. But what does mental health mean? Good mental health includes the ability to a) make the most of your potential b) cope... read more →
This week, I will be responding to several questions sent by readers which all revolve around substance use. While I have tried to address them individually, I also thought it... read more →
Case I: North Central Nigeria Fatima, a 15-year-old female secondary school student wrote a love letter to a male teacher to express her love for him. The teacher in question, took the letter to... read more →
The use of drugs, which may be legally approved - such as alcohol and some medications; or illegal such as cannabis, heroin, cocaine and so on, for recreational purposes – to feel good, or... read more →
Wale is a 25-year-old lawyer and the only child of his parents, and they showered him with love and all the care they could provide. He was confident in their... read more →
Mr and Mrs Emeka (not real names) have been married for 12 years but have not achieved conception. They had gone to several hospitals and performed several tests, but they... read more →
Last week, we discussed the Naomi Osaka situation at the Roland Garros, where she eventually pulled out of the tournament, citing the need to pay attention to her mental health... read more →
The sporting world sat up and took notice when the then 20 years old, Naomi Osaka defeated Serena Williams to win the US Open in 2018. A new star was... read more →