Adolescents and young people make up nearly half of Nigeria’s 200 million strong population. Thisyouthful population bulge should be an advantage for the future, if properly harnessed. Butunfortunately, the harsh reality is that they are largely ignored, face enormous challenges and are left tosort themselves out via peer influence and... read more →
CASE 1:Bola was a brilliant 19-year-old Engineering student at the University when his room-mates observedthat he was talking to himself and behaving in an odd manner. They tried to engage him but when hewas not responding, they reported to the University Health Services who came for him with anambulance. He... read more →
Aliu is a 28-year-old Chemical Engineer with an Oil and Gas company and is a high-flying star, havingbagged a first-class from ABU Zaria. He is well respected and is a rising star. But he battles with low self-esteem, bouts of anxiety and panic attacks and is often plagued with worries... read more →
Case of Abdul: Abdul is an 8-year-old boy Primary 4 pupil who is usually cheerful and happy.However, he is struggling to cope with the sheer volume of home work they were expected tocomplete on a daily basis. His Mother, a busy medical doctor initially attempted to help him,but soon realized... read more →
Adewale has always been very charismatic and a smooth talker since his secondary schooldays. He was a charmer and appeared very self-confident. Thus, several classmates oftenflocked around him. He had an opinion about everything and believed he was a genius. Eventhough his academic grades didn’t quite tally with his impression... read more →
As we commemorate the World Mental Health Day, October 10, with the theme of ‘MentalHealth as a Universal Human Right’, we cannot but reflect on the sad situation of human rightsviolations of persons with mental illness and their families. It is still very common to hear ofchildren withdrawn from school,... read more →
The World Health Organization defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, MENTAL, and socialwellbeing’. Thus, health can be conceptualized as a stool sitting on 3 legs: physical leg, mental legand social leg. Nationhood is built around citizens…. healthy citizens.The most important resource for any organization or nation is her... read more →
It is not news that many performers in the entertainment industry glamorize drug abuse and makeit seem hip and cool. A notable example is Naira Marley and his crew, ‘the Marlians’, withMohbad as a member of that crew too. Without prejudice to the outcome of the autopsy into hisunfortunate and... read more →
It is always a shock to see individuals arrive at the decision, that they are going through emotional painand anguish that is beyond what they can cope with. And to arrive at the point where they start tocontemplate that they may be better off dead. This is the beginning of... read more →
Mr. and Mrs. Lagbaja are both retired civil servants and proud parents of 4 successful childrenwho are professionals with well paid jobs all over the world. They felt fulfilled and content withlife until everything came tumbling down. They received an sms from a hospital in Abuja, askingif they were the... read more →